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Galerie Route de la Soie

Moldavite Rough Shard

Moldavite Rough Shard

Regular price $120.00 CAD
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Weight: 0.78 grams

Length: 14.08 mm

M O L D A V I T E // One look at Moldavite and there’s no question it is a stone of greatness, etherically carved of spiritual fire and destined for purpose. This mysterious green talisman is star-born, formed from nature’s violent meteoric impact with Mother Earth. Etched by force and flame as it fell from the heavens Moldavite returned to the earth’s surface transformed, a glass of amazing delicacy and grace ready to serve humankind.

As a Stone of Connectivity, Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies that are quickly felt, often dramatically in those who resonate with its power. Holding Moldavite for the first time often produces a sensation of heat, felt first in the hand, then progressively throughout the body.

This beautiful stone is rare, found only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, formally known as Czechoslovakia which was disbanded in 1993. While scientists differ in theories regarding Moldavite’s origin, nearly all agree its formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Bohemian plateau.

The rock metamorphosed by the heat of impact, creating a strewn field of Moldavite in the two, mostly rural, areas of Bohemia and Moravia.



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